
what love is to me <3

Loving reassurance is sometimes the best medicine for the broken. I know it is for me, at least.

When I get upset, this is what I need:
to spill out everything I need to, have someone hug me and let me cry if I need it, give me a tiny bit of advice (even if it's the "it'll be ok, don't worry" kind), and then be like, "You know what? I love you too much - let's do something fun. :D!"

Sometimes I won't want to go to a party or whatever... but like, let's go watch a funny movie in the dorm, pop some corn, grab a few more friends and play a retarded game of truth or dare.
That's what love is to me.

That's the kind of love I truly need.

1 comment:

Rover Fox said...

Love is God. To love is to be human. To be human is to reflect God.

Your right, thats what love is.