

I am so incredibly sick of everyone bitching about everything. I am entirely aware that I am also bitching... but with the way everyone is talking, one is almost inclined to wonder if it even MATTERS whether or not the world ends in 2012?

and the WORST PART IS... before it gets...
any better we're... headed for a cliff
and in the FREE FALL, I... will realize
I'm better off. When I hit the bottom.

FUCK. And would you like me to continue ranting? No? I feel like I shall anyway.

I. So hate. Fucking little teenagers getting pregnant and married. In my sister's 11th grade class, 3/4 of the girls (it's a small school) are both MARRIED and have a baby!!! One of them just married someone who is ten years older than she is!!! I don't understand people. How do people not think of ANYTHING?! How does someone at 17, or even 15, not think of the possibilities or the consequences?! I want to punch these girls' mothers in the face and be like, "Really? Do you REALLY think that letting your daughter get married was the greatest idea while she's still in high school?"

And it just DOESN'T help that, at 21, I am about ready to get married and have a family... And I still have a few years to wait...

I think the world is bloody ridiculous.


I have nothing to say...

but I am here.


what love is to me <3

Loving reassurance is sometimes the best medicine for the broken. I know it is for me, at least.

When I get upset, this is what I need:
to spill out everything I need to, have someone hug me and let me cry if I need it, give me a tiny bit of advice (even if it's the "it'll be ok, don't worry" kind), and then be like, "You know what? I love you too much - let's do something fun. :D!"

Sometimes I won't want to go to a party or whatever... but like, let's go watch a funny movie in the dorm, pop some corn, grab a few more friends and play a retarded game of truth or dare.
That's what love is to me.

That's the kind of love I truly need.